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Nursing Survey

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Author Nursing Survey



  • Joined: Apr 2014
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  • Posts: 2

Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:04 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2014, 06:41 pm Update #1

My name is Nadia Mclean I am a year 12 student from Willunga High School, I am currently in the process of completing my Research Project. The Research Project is the only compulsory component to complete year 12, it involves choosing a subject of any choice and showing all of the processes involved.
 I plan to complete my project on ‘How to become an effective and employable nurse.’ I plan to produce a website aimed at students who wish to pursue a career in nursing. I have chosen to do this topic as I aspire to become a nurse in my future career.
 I was hoping to be able to post my survey in one of your forums to help me complete my project, you can review the survey before it is posted if you would like.
It is of most importance that participants are aware that they will not required to answer every question and have the right to withdrawal from the survey at any time. To protect the privacy of participants names will not be on any of the paperwork that will be used.

Here is the link to my survey -

modified: Wednesday 30 April 2014 10:18:40 am - NadiaMclean

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