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Study options/pathways - new mum returning to work

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Author Study options/pathways - new mum returning to work



  • Joined: Jul 2013
  • Location: Brisbane
  • Posts: 1

Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:07 pm

Hi everyone! I'm hoping someone might be able to assist me. I am a new mum returning to work 3 days per week in December. I am keen to resume my Bachelor of Nursing by distance education through CQU (I completed 1 subject way back in 2009 before I got divorced, moved cities and got myself resettled). I am worried about the residential school and clinical placements as I will have limited annual leave through work (2 weeks per year). To complete the course will take me anywhere from 6 years (I'm waiting on a program which will include only 1 res school and 1 placement each year) and it's going to be difficult to maintain focus on long term goals for that long.

And so I am wondering if anyone knows of a way I can become a nurse by studying part time/externally in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of res schools or clinical placements? Whilst I am keen to study I can't afford to not work and I also don't want to miss out on my daughter growing up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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