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Grad RN without Job

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Author Grad RN without Job



  • Joined: Jan 2013
  • Location: Perth
  • Posts: 1

Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:01 pm

I made a decision to start up new career and studied Nursing and graduated at the age of 45. Unfortunately, I did not managed to get grad year where I applied in WA and QLD. and now I am desperately applying for RN jobs everywhere but not succeeding at all. I am beginning to doubt my decision. Believe me I am willing to locate anywhere in the rural or regional areas in WA or anywhere in the country. 

Once I drove to the country WA to hand out my CV but it was heart breaking for me to loose direction. I don't want to go back on my decision at the same time I desperately need to be an RN.

I welcome any suggestion.

Thank you and regards,



  • Joined: Mar 2013
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  • Posts: 1

Mar 06, 2013, 11:58 pm

I'm in a similar position. I studied in WA and relocated home to Melbourne in December. When I interviewed for graduate programs I was told they could not hire me as I did not complete my degree in VIC (I did the first semesters in VIC). I have applied for hundreds of jobs and have had no luck as everywhere is looking for people with experience. I've applied for dozens of jobs as a pca just to get experience in the industry and have had no luck with that either. I'm ready to give up and face the fact that I studied for 3 years for nothing :(

It is frustrating as when I began my degree we were told by numerous sources that Australia was in desperate need of nurses, but now that we've graduated we discover that the hundreds/thousands of students who didn't get a graduate program will be left unemployed. 

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