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Vetassess help!!!

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Author Vetassess help!!!



  • Joined: Jan 2015
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Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:01 pm

Hi, about to take the Vetassess and freaking out about the numeracy part of the test! What did everyone do to prepare and what sort of things were part of it so I can do my best to brush up on the right parts of the test rather putting brain power into subjects that arnt of much use!




  • Joined: Jan 2015
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Jan 22, 2015, 02:11 pm

Gfarr, brush up on times tables, measuring area, reading graphs, fractions (adding, subtracting, multiplying) just basic maths skills really! Good luck with your exam! I sat mine monday. It was ok, maths was tricky. Not enough time to answer everything. Things i needed to work out I left until last and answered the easier questions but I still ran out of time and had guess a couple to complete all answers.

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