Nursing issues

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Wednesday 01 May 2013 11:03:00 pm


1st of all, CONGRATS!!

Not sure if the scholarship covers the books cost, but a standard scholarship should cover the tuition fee or at least part of it. Check with them for details before you start.

You can get tax refund for your books, shoes and even computers. Just  prove that they are related to your studies which isn't really hard.

Getting 2nd hand books will prevent you from getting tax refund, but they are heaps cheaper. Try ebays and from your seniors. Pretty sure they are more than happy to get some 'refund' back from those books, not to mention the useful notes that they might high-light during their studies. I remember seeing RLT model textbook (Brand new) for 80 dollars in my uni, but it cost like 40+ on the internet (Brand new too). I doubt there are free books out there, unless you happened to be on close terms with the owner/s or it belongs to a charitable organization.

Before you purchase the book, make sure those books are truely what you need, not what is recommended. There are recommended textbooks out there that you use for 1 module and useless for the rest of the course. Unless it is heavily utilised in the course, I do not recommend spending money on it. I know of people who did not buy a single textbook throughout the course by making full use of the library.

From a jealous reader. =P