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Questions about Night-Shift Nurses (Need your Insights!!)

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Author Questions about Night-Shift Nurses (Need your Insights!!)



  • Joined: Mar 2013
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  • Posts: 1

Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:03 pm

Hi Nurses,
I'm actually doing a Product Design degree at the moment and for my thesis/ final year project I'm thinking of doing something to improve the condition of night shift nurses, especially regarding fatigue and performance.
In order for me to fully grasp the needs and design opportunities, however, I'm going to need all the help from you guys! So, I'd be extremely grateful if you guys would answer my questions so I can get a better feel of what happens during your night shift and factors affecting it.

Here are the questions:
1. What is it like to work nightshift?
2. Can you tell me a little about your sleeping habit before a night shift?
2. During night shift, are you allowed to take a short nap during breaks by the hospitals?
3. If you are and you do, how long do you usually take a nap for?
4. Do you feel groggy after? If so, how long does it take you to recover?
5. Where do you take a nap? Is there a special room provided by the hospital for nurses to take a nap in?
6. What do you think are the barriers on having a nap on night shift?
7. Do you have any concerns about driving home during night shift?
8. If there is an especially designed 'Nap Room' available at the hospital, would you use it? What feature would you like it to have?

*If you could, please specify which state/city you work in.

I know it's quite alot, but I'd really appreciate it if you guys would answer them. Also, sorry if my English isn't very good/clear as it isn't my primary language. Again, thank you very much!

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