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B. Nursing Student as EN

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Author B. Nursing Student as EN



  • Joined: Sep 2014
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Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:09 am


Im sure this has been asked many times but is it true that there is some way that allows B.Nursing students to work as an EN while completing the degree? I work as an AIN at the hospital at the moment, and i have had a few ENs and RNs tell me i should look into it and work as an EN until i am an RN. 

I have read some things where people have said they have done this after 2nd year, and they just had to do a 2 day course? Can anyone shed some light onto this for me please, it has confused me. I haven't been able to find anything online from ACN or the board.

I currently study at uni of Canberra.

Thanks Amy :)



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Sep 17, 2014, 02:20 am

People at my uni in Victoria heard the same thing. The course coordinator sent an email out saying it is NOT true. EN is a completely different course and to be an EN you need to do that particular course, not half of a different one.

I believe it is just PCA/AIN until we have that registration letter in our hands :(

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