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Student Placement

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Author Student Placement



  • Joined: Mar 2013
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  • Posts: 4

Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:03 am

I finished the theoretical part of my Certificate III course in mid-February and started student placement 3 weeks later.  Unfortunately, at the end of my first day in the facility, I had a relapse of chronic bronchitis (I have been suffering from at the beginning of the year) and have not been able to continue since then.  I feel much better now and I think I have gotten rid of the virus, however, I am having difficulty  getting back to the placement as the facility I was doing it with is not too happy taking me back.  I have contacted another one but they seem to be not interested either and would not even let me talk to their case manager.  It's not my fault if I fell ill that long, and besides, I don't want to spread germs with my coughing fits while near the frail and old people, so I only did what was sensible and that is to stay away for awhile.

My question is, do any of you know of a facility in Melbourne (around Croydon area) who takes students without fussing?  I need to complete my 120 hours so I can get my certificate and do HACC work instead because I don't intend to work in nursing homes with staff who are unhelpful and unfriendly (as my first day experience showed me). Can you recommend a good facility with good staff?  

Thanks for any info.

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